Whether you’re looking to build a complete buildout of your app, a short sprint to create that perfect feature on your site, or to supplement your team — our developers can handle it.
We’ll find you a first-class developer that’s an ideal match for your needs. You can interview the candidate and confirm their talent and professionalism before hiring them.
Once you hire your developer, we make sure that your project stays on track and becomes a huge success. We take care of everything from contracts to payments, so you can focus on getting things done.
Staffzen’s pipeline of vetted dev talent allows you to scale your team while minimizing hiring time and effort. Staffzen developers will be with you longer and help execute your vision.
All candidates complete several psychometric exams and IQ tests to assess problem solving ability and aptitude.
Step two of the screening process is an extensive language, personality, and communication interview. Candidates must be able to read, write, and speak English very well. We also look for passionate and driven individuals who are hands-on and fully engaged in their work.
Each candidate is screened by the Staffzen CTO or senior engineer. A candidate is provided live exercises that cover core topics within the candidate’s primary area of expertise. We look at problem solving ability, engineering experience, communication ability, and out-of-the box thinking.
Each candidate is paid to do an in-house project to see how well they perform. This real-world job allows candidates to demonstrate engineering competence, thoroughness, professionalism, and integrity over what is typically 2-3 weeks.
Staffzen developers are expected to maintain an impeccable record while working with clients. Poor communication and below-average work performance is not allowed.
Extraordinary communication skills, because trust and rapport are essential.
Stack-specific expertise and an outside-the-box approach to problem solving.
Experience with a variety of tools and languages to undertake unknown challenges.
Building real products, because true problem solvers learn by doing.
Time to find a developer
Recruiting fee
Concierge service
Failure rate
Pre-screened candidates
Termination costs
Time to find a developer
Recruiting fee
Concierge service
Failure rate
Pre-screened candidates
Termination costs
Time to find a developer
Recruiting fee
Concierge service
Failure rate
Pre-screened candidates
Termination costs
Running a company is tough. Finding a quality software developer is not easy. When I'm looking for a rockstar developer to augment my dev team, I turn to Staffzen. You should too.
Our developer is brilliant, not only is he banging out features, he's also helping us make our development processes better.
Running a company is tough. Finding a quality software developer is not easy. When I'm looking for a rockstar developer to augment my dev team, I turn to Staffzen. You should too.
Jonathan Hiroshi Rossi
Founder of The CJK Group
Our developer is brilliant, not only is he banging out features, he's also helping us make our development processes better.
A.J. Chan
Founder of Release
The team at Staffzen is top-notch. They're extremely dedicated to providing great developers to any company. If you want a high-quality freelancer for your projects, I'd highly recommend you get a Staffzen developer.
Jarrod Robinson
Founder of The PE Geek
The team at Staffzen is top-notch. They're extremely dedicated to providing great developers to any company. If you want a high-quality freelancer for your projects, I'd highly recommend you get a Staffzen developer.
Jarrod Robinson
Founder of The PE Geek
Our developer is brilliant, not only is he banging out features, he's also helping us make our development processes better.
A.J. Chan
Founder of Release
Running a company is tough. Finding a quality software developer is not easy. When I'm looking for a rockstar developer to augment my dev team, I turn to Staffzen. You should too.
Jonathan Hiroshi Rossi
Founder of The CJK Group
535 Mission St, 14th Floor,
San Francisco, CA 94105
PHONE 415.871.0485
EMAIL hello@staffzen.com